Your Magento powered store with its voluminous products needs to grab the attention in your target niche. Your target customers are diversified across various channels and in order to bring to their attention your vast array of products, you need to have a well-chalked out multi-channel marketing plan. Are you working on the idea of integrating with a top marketplace like Sears? Then, we at ChannelSale, with our high-end software solutions can help you in the best possible way! We are backed by a pool of marketing pros that can help you to materialize your Magento Sears integration plans.
Whether you are aiming for Magento to Sears automated product listing process, real time inventory management on Sears and Magento whereby product stock synchronization updates, feed optimization, product performance judgment becomes easily accessible to you, we at ChannelSale offer you optimum level of exposure of your Magento powered ecommerce website.

If you are thinking, why we? - Take a look!
- Our expert team is surely the best manager of your Magento store and everything is done in sync with the requirements of Sears.
- We ensure that the Sears automated product listing process, real-time inventory management, a clear graph of your product action reaches to you in no time.
- We take into our stride to synchronize your Magento store with Sears in a perfect way and for that we create native Magento order for every Sears order.
- We offer highly customizable services whether it is easy listing of voluminous products, stock level synchronization, managing multiple Magento stores and the like.
- We make it easy for you to understand the pulse of your product performance, have flexible pricing options across various channels.
- The data entry process with the active assistance process of our high-end softwareand marketing pros is impeccable.
Why not leave the task of smooth Magento Sears integration in our hands and put your mind at work for strategizing other aspects of your ecommerce business! Contact ChannelSale now!
Need more information or ready to get started with enhancing sales on Sears from your Magento store?, speak to one of our Client Service Executives, reach us on phone +1-866-709-9495 or email