Category Archives: magento amazon

What You Need to Know About Magento Amazon Integration

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Amazon’s unwavering commitment to innovation and technology will likely make this behemoth a steady performer in the future. Amazon is one-of-a-kind and an excellent alternative for building your online business, and you can use the Magento Amazon connection functionality to tap into its reach. Check out this tutorial for additional information on the benefits of selling on Amazon and how to get started with Magento Amazon integration.

Magento Amazon Integration

Why Should You Use Magento for Your Online Store?

Magento is for you if you want to create a user-friendly and highly functional online shop. This platform allows merchants to create their own fully customized storefronts while reaping the benefits of utilizing a well-established eCommerce platform like Magento.

Using In-App Marketplace Apps, Magento can integrate with Amazon

Magento Amazon Marketplace App Integrations make managing Magento Amazon connection simple and smooth. Your Magento Store’s offers may be expanded to Amazon E-commerce using such features, which can be accomplished by linking your Magento Admin to your Amazon Seller Central account. Amazon Sales Channel connection is available through various native and third-party integrations on the Magento Marketplace.

How Do You Go About Doing It?

The Amazon Sales Channel is a Magento native app connection available as a free capability add-on. Amazon Sales Channels uses the Magento platform’s simplicity of use and familiarity, allowing you to manage your Amazon sales directly from your Magento admin and keep your product listings constant through Shopify eBay catalogue management.

Amazon Integration Magento Extension

To use the above-mentioned functionalities, we propose installing CedCommerce, a popular and dependable Magento 2 Extention for Amazon Integration that can be found on Magento Marketplace. The functionality will meet every store’s needs: product upload with characteristics mapping, category mapping, full inventory synchronization, etc.


Since most businesses have gone digital, having a larger reach from a well-known platform like Shopify eBay is beneficial to developing enterprises. With the Magento Amazon connection, retailers can expand their company operations and establish a loyal client base.

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2 Tips To Make Your E-Commerce Store Products More Appealing

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If you are dealing in a business that provides non-essential products to the customers on an e-commerce website, it is important that you make the products more appealing. There are hundreds of essential products that do not need any kind of branding as more customers keep coming to buy these essential products. However, you may be dealing with non-essential products like cosmetics, upholstery as well as small furnishing and decorating items. In such cases, you might need to take the help of Magento Amazon extension to improve your customer experience.

However only improving the customer experience is not enough but you will also need to make your products look more appealing. Here are two tips to do so:

  1. Learn about the trend

Following the current trend is very important as it will provide you with a lot more customers than you would otherwise get. You need to market your products according to the latest trend that are acquiring the attention of many customers. Make sure that you are using the right words that are trending at the moment and in the right way. Powerful branding with the use of trending words can help you in selling some of the least wanted non-essential items.

  1. Make it look appealing

When you are providing the listing, you will also need to provide high quality images that can best describe the product. However you should make sure that the product is looking appealing to the customers. The packaging and the entire get-up of the product needs to be on spot so that customers feel that they need the product. You can also take the help of models and actors to promote your product and make it more appealing.

You always have the option of opening your stores on different platforms like Bigcommerce Amazon. This way your product will become more popular and more people will recognize your Store.

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Magento Amazon Integration Tool- The Best Way to Make Optimal Use of Both Platforms

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It is nothing less than daunting to manage extensive inventories on multiple eCommerce platforms. Many online merchants face this challenge and as a result, they find themselves spending every moment on managing these operational tasks instead of planning to grow their business. If a merchant already has an online store and now planning to sell his products on platforms like Magento and Amazon, he has to look for a sophisticated tool like the Magento Amazon Integration tool that helps manage both platforms with remarkable ease. Many virtual world businesses have gained immense benefits in terms of operational efficiencies and have successfully grown their businesses. This tool allows them to manage and create product listings, control and manage stock or inventory levels across multiple platforms and process orders through an integrated back-end resource. It is a user-friendly tool and is known for its intuitive interface.

Bigcommerce Google Shopping Actions

Merchants that wish to reach out to a greater customer base transcending geographical borders can make effective use of BigCommerce Google Shopping Actions. This tool helps them to increase their reach to new markets in just a few hours. Moreover, online shoppers watching their services, products, prices, and features are guaranteed. The tool ensures convenient and seamless shopping for online customers. Since the tool has a lot of benefits, many online merchants look for a smart automated system that makes their business profitable. Check out various tools available in the market and choose one that makes your business profitable. This way, traders can focus more on growing their business and reach to a greater customer base.

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Magento Amazon Brings Ease in Managing Online Business

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In recent times, the internet has helped many budding entrepreneurs to use this platform to sell their products and build a good, stable online business. Hiked graphs can be seen in online sales, and business owners are increasingly becoming aware of the growing significance of digital marketing. It is essential to plan a strategy and implement it flawlessly to get excellent results. With a lot of global marketplaces available, these days like WooCommerce, eBay, Magento, Amazon and more, the sellers have a lot of avenues open for them. They can make the most of them set up their online business.

Magento eBay Extension

Many eCommerce enthusiasts are using WooCommerce platform to kickstart their business. They can also go for WooCommerce eBay integration that enables the sellers to upload and sell products on both WooCommerce and eBay platforms. Using a sophisticated integration tool, it becomes easier to integrate the inventory, price, order and many other relevant details about the product in an effortless manner.

The same holds true for Magento Amazon and Magento eBay Extension that helps Magento store owners to upload product from Magento to Amazon and eBay platforms. The admin can also easily import orders from Amazon and eBay marketplace to Magento converting them into regular Magento orders. The hassle-free upload of products has made things easier for the first-time sellers. The bulk management system is also used when handling the sale of bulk products. The sophisticated and state-of-the-art software solutions have helped many online merchants make the most of global online marketplaces.


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5 Not-So-True Facts About Amazon Selling

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The drive to sell more profitably in Amazon has lead many layman thinkers to express their opinions on the matter, which may not usually be applicable at all. Following are 5 not so true facts about selling in Amazon that has been grasping the imagination of newer enthusiasts that are supercharged with the idea of making amazing profits in very little time…

It is easy to start

This is the first not so true fact about Amazon selling. Irrespective of the infinite articles ad blogs floating around in the internet about how easy things have become, it still takes a whole lot of effort right from the process of establishing presence in the platform to standing tall in competition, being seen in the top of search lists, gaining maximum clicks and converting the same for making a sale.

Optimization guarantees profits

No, it does not, and it never did. Optimization of listing ensures higher visibility in Amazon which can win more clicks in favor of your products. Conversion of click to sale depends on the mood of the buyers and the how convincing your product is in the first place. Profits on the other hand are a result of sale and product pricing after subtracting associated fees.

Lowest price assures place in Buy Box

Amazon selling often seems bleak without the rush for the Buy Box. Almost every seller is competing for a place in this window of opportunities. However, it has been observed that the parameters for gaining a place in the Buy Box are often unquantifiable. So, for those who believe that selling their products in the lowest prices will fetch them the window, it may be time to think again. To sell at the lowest price may often invite losses while not gaining a place in the Buy Box at all.

FBA is the ultimate order completion solution for all

FBA is one of the best ways to improve your order completion process flawlessly while taking off the load of packing, shipping, and returns etc from your back. But, it is also necessary to know that all products do not qualify for FBA and that the service comes with rather complex fee format that can claim a considerable chunk of profits if not understood properly.

Integration is easy, affordable and solution to all selling hassles

Say for example, if you are a Magento powered seller, it will be imperative for you to conduct Magento Amazon integration flawlessly. The process is intended to maximize operational efficiency while minimizing manual work load in the part of the sellers. At no time should any seller end up thinking that integration is a profit making component primarily because it is not.

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5 Tips to Become a Top Seller on Amazon

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Amazon is a huge marketplace on the web, and many big as well as individual sellers are finding success with the platform. In only a few years, it has become a trusted name among online shoppers. If you wish to become a top-rated seller on Amazon, the following 5 tips can be assistive for you.

Choose the right account level

Merchants can choose from various account levels on Amazon. There is the regular account level which allows you to list for free your item in the catalog of the website. You do not have to pay any listing fees, and payment is applicable only when a sale is made. The pro merchant account is the second account level which offers greater flexibility. You can list products not in the catalog of Amazon at present. You can get a decent discount of around 0.99 USD for each product.

<Use Amazon Seller Central

Merchants can get regular reports from Amazon seller central. The reports can assist you in analyzing your sales, finding out potential buyers and determine how effective your promotions and marketing are. With companies that offer eBay Amazon tool and other similar apps, you can easily get the reports sent to your inbox or reflected on your store.

Make use of Amazon Marketing Tools

You can also make money from Amazon by using the marketing tools present on Amazon, such as Likes, Tags and Listmania. This will assist you in providing your store items with higher visibility.

Be an Amazon Featured Merchant

By turning yourself into a featured merchant over Amazon, you can get your items noticed easily. You can earn the trust of potential buyers and earn good reputation among them. Although there is no official information from Amazon about how sellers can turn themselves into featured merchants, it is assumed that high product sales, amazing customer reviews and minimal or no complaints from buyers helps do that. You also need to stick to all the policies, selling rules and regulations of Amazon in order to avoid being banned.

Choose an Amazon integration service provider

With a Magento Amazon integration service provider, you can easily get your store products integrated with suitable categories from Amazon and be assured of higher visibility. This will assist you in enhancing your product sales. Becoming a big seller on Amazon with large volume of product sales will assist you in becoming a featured seller.

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