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3P Seller Guide To Walmart Marketplace

Reported by: Thomas, Edited by: Thomas | Updated: 2018-07-17 13:14:13 | Posted: 2017-04-13 13:09:20

Walmart e commerce marketplace is a platform of opportunities for infinite reasons. The induction of 3P sellers has been one of the most crucial phases in the steady and speedy development of this marketplace allowing it to attain the second position in USA after Amazon.

Opening up of opportunities however, does not necessarily translate into immediate profits in the part of Walmart third party sellers considering the fact that the latter need to abide by a long list of rule only to maintain visibility and remain in the good books of this marketplace.

This basically requires the sellers to be thorough with the rules before approaching this platform in the first place. Here are 5 such rules that need to be taken into account urgently by all third party sellers from the first day on…