Amazon US Retail Sales Forecasted to Grow by More than $100 Billion in 2024

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Amazon US Retail Sales

Amazon is transforming US retail and latest estimates peg the same to reach $641.3 billion this year. This is a rise of 19.9% from the previous year.

Projected growth across categories 

The estimates project the following top level physical goods categories that will have the highest YoY growth rates this year on Amazon US


Category name Estimated sales (in 2024) Projected YoY growth rate
CDs and Vinyl  $607.5 million  +29.6%
Beauty and personal care products  $36 billion  +26.0%
Pet supplies  $22.6 billion +25.3%


For physical goods, the following top level categories are expected to have the slowest YoY growth rates this year on Amazon US


Category name Estimated sales (in 2024) Projected YoY growth rate
Books  $9.1 billion  +0.9%
Video games  $5.6 billion  +2.8%
Handmade products  $606.6 billion +3.0%

Understanding the above trends is important for planning and management of your brand growth and success.

What other categories or niches are expected to grow this year?

On assessing the growth trends of smaller niches within the top sellers on Amazon US, the following are noted –

  • Janitorial and sanitation supplies are a fast growing category on Amazon US this year. The same is expected to rise to 176% YoY and is pegged at $1.6 billion.
  • Though grocery and gourmet food category is also predicted to grow at 8.9% YoY but beverages alone are expected to cross $9 billion this year (27.3% YoY). This means that the beverages sales will capture 45% of this total category with previous value of 38.3% in the last year.

What is the most stable category on Amazon US?

Experts estimate that women’s jewellery is the most stable and fast growing category on an annual basis. The same has $3.7 billion sales projections in the year.

What is pushing the trend?

Amazon’s overall growth in the USA market is positive. The same is driven by rapid expansion of sales across numerous CPG categories. Unlike previous trends, luxury, apparel and electronics are not on the rising trend.

This shows that the US consumers are focusing on purchasing grocery, health and beauty offerings in Amazon. This is a significant finding considering the close competition from TikTok Shop that offers similar offerings.

Top considerations of your Amazon sales plan for 2024

It is important to ensure you resist the temptation to promote your entire catalogue on the platform. It is best to focus on top-selling products to ensure a strong impact. You must also ensure adequate products are available to cater to such an increased demand.

To ensure that your brand attains the desired standards, you may ensure the following –

  • Amazon’s strict review policies focus on favouring only credible sellers. You should encourage your customers to review on Amazon and safeguard your reputation.
  • You should optimise images to engage shoppers and address common challenges. You must also utilise all available image stocks effectively.
  • To drive more traffic to your listings, you must focus on strategic keyword placement and research. You must also work to integrate your products according to Alexa’s needs by optimising keywords and content for voice-related searches.
  • Build a buzz by promoting your deals and brands to interested shoppers. You can also engage with the audience to create awareness about your brand.
  • You must scale up efforts to reconnect with the audience even after the prime sales.


If you wish to transform your Amazon Prime Day sales plan, and business potential and redefine success, it is recommended to invest in ChannelSale solutions.

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Amazon US Retail Sales Forecasted to Grow by More than $100 Billion in 2024, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating
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