Monthly Archives: September 2024

Embrace the Walmart Pro-Seller Experience with the New Tiered Benefits to Boost Business

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Embrace the Walmart Pro-Seller Experience

The Walmart Marketplace is ever-evolving and with an updated Pro Seller, the experience can offer the next level of benefits to sellers. This experience is aimed at seasoned professionals and new sellers. In this context, Walmart’s new tiered structure entails multiple benefits related to scaling and growing your business.

Keep reading to explore the new seller’s tiered programs along with eligibility criteria while leveraging the benefits of Walmart’s Pro Seller Program.

Understanding the New Seller Tiering System

Walmart has rolled out its new seller tiering program embodying three levels. These are –

  • Rising Seller
  • Advanced Seller
  • Pro Seller

Sellers can move from one tier to another and gain benefits for their business growth. Different sets of requirements and rewards characterize every tier. This helps sellers deliver momentous and rewarding shopping experiences to their shoppers.

Each level entails different characteristics. Here’s a brief about the same.

Rising Seller

This is the entry-level tier. It is aimed at businesses that are starting in the Marketplace at Walmart and have proved their dedication to superior performances.

Eligibility Criteria for Rising Sellers:

  • On-Time Delivery Rate: ≥90%
  • Cancellation Rate: ≤2.5%
  • Seller Responsiveness Rate: ≥90%
  • Delivery Score: ≥5%
  • Content Score: ≥65%
  • Price Competitiveness Score: ≥60%
  • Orders Received: 100+ orders in the past 90 days
  • Active Days: Active for a minimum of 90 days
  • The seller must operate in full compliance with Walmart Marketplace policies

These sellers have started to build trust in the marketplace. The above benchmarks set the pace for the seller to grow bigger and gain significantly.

Advanced Seller

The next level is that of Advanced Seller. Only sellers that go beyond and meet the requirements of the Rising Seller level get promoted to this level. As the Marketplace gets competitive, sellers in this tier get more visibility on the platform.

Eligibility Criteria for Advanced Sellers:

  • On-Time Delivery Rate: ≥92.5%
  • Cancellation Rate: ≤2.0%
  • Seller Responsiveness Rate: ≥92.5%
  • Delivery Score: ≥25%
  • Content Score: ≥70%
  • Price Competitiveness Score: ≥60%

Key Benefits for Advanced Sellers:

  • Saving a 5% Referral Fee discount for different product categories.
  • Unlock advanced pro listing features for improved product visibility.

Pro Seller

This is the third tier. It is Walmart’s highest form of recognition for businesses that have performed the best. The package is reward-rich and designed to support business scaling.

Eligibility Criteria for Pro Sellers:

  • On-Time Delivery Rate: ≥95%
  • Cancellation Rate: ≤1.5%
  • Seller Responsiveness Rate: ≥95%
  • Delivery Score: ≥50%
  • Content Score: ≥75%
  • Price Competitiveness Score: ≥60%

Key Benefits for Pro Sellers:

  • The tier’s greatest attraction is the 10% Referral Fee discount. This helps businesses maximize their profits with reduced referral fees.
  • Sellers get to stamp their services with an exclusive Pro Seller Badge that differentiates your services from the competition, helping customers believe that you are a trusted seller.
  • Sellers in this tier get access to the favorable Walmart Capital Terms, which allow them to invest more in growing their businesses.
  • With the Review Accelerator Credit for customer reviews of new products, sellers can build trust and multiply their sales faster.
  • In this tier, sellers receive payouts faster to viably reinvest in their business.
  • Sellers in this tier can benefit from the discounted shipping rates offered by Walmart to achieve better cost efficiency.

Why Should Sellers Aim for Pro-Seller Status?

Sellers should aim for the highest tier because the tier comes with multiple benefits and serves as a status symbol in the Marketplace. The financial rewards are only one part of the overall benefits. The boost that your brand gets due to the Pro-Seller status is incomparable.

The Pro-Seller Badge has a special significance. It denotes to your loyal and potential customers that you are one of the most trusted sellers in the Walmart Marketplace. This, in turn, comes with the possibility of fuelling higher conversion rates. Besides, referral fee discounts and faster payouts offer viably impressive and tangible financial benefits. You can reinvest the money in savings to grow your business.

Besides, the funding in the form of ready access to Walmart Capital Terms offers you the required money to improve your operations, increase your inventory, and improve your marketing campaigns.

Optimizing Seller Performance

Here are some tips to reach the Pro-Seller faster.

  • Better your on-time delivery rate with Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS). In this case, Walmart’s logistics network can be used to ship inventory.
  • Reduce cancellation rates by accurately tracking your inventory and fulfilling orders on time.
  • Respond to customer inquiries faster and promptly. It boosts seller ratings with positive reviews and repeat business.
  • Ensure that your store’s product descriptions and related content are updated and of top quality.
  • Lastly, keep reviewing market and competitor pricing to make necessary adjustments. Use Walmart’s Price Competitiveness Score to deliver value to your customers.

Benefits of Utilizing ChannelSale

  1. ChannelSale supports seamless integration with Walmart. This helps pro-sellers to list products across Walmart’s platform effortlessly.
  2. ChannelSale can automate product listings while syncing inventory, pricing, and product data across Walmart and other sales channels. It also offers customized product listings that use product descriptions, pricing, and images to boost conversion rates.
  3. Pro-sellers can use multiple channels simultaneously with ChannelSale to expand their reach and boost their visibility on Walmart.
  4. ChannelSale makes real-time inventory updation easy across all marketplaces. This helps reduce the risks of overselling or stockouts, an important criterion for pro-sellers for managing Walmart’s new tiered benefits.
  5. Utilizing ChannelSale, pro-sellers can monitor their sales performance, order fulfillment, and inventory status on Walmart. Detailed analytics offered by ChannelSale help pro-sellers optimize their business operations.
  6. ChannelSale’s centralized dashboard makes it easier to manage customer support services, returns, and inquiries. Simplified order management also enhances customer experiences at Walmart.
  7. Scalability is a big plus for ChannelSale, allowing pro-sellers to grow their business within the new tiered structure.

Key Insights

Walmart’s New Three Tier system is designed for sellers to excel in their performance. Each tier comes with tangible benefits. With the Pro-Seller status, you can help improve your ratings, reviews, and metrics to boost growth on the platform.

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Quick Poll: How Sellers Can Optimize Their Holiday Sale Preparation

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 How Sellers Can Optimize Their Holiday Sale Preparation

The holiday season is one of an online seller’s busiest and most profitable times. A seller needs to prepare well and strategically to keep everything running smoothly and perfectly during this sales period. We have compiled insights from industry experts and successful sellers to get you into gear at ChannelSale. Let’s run you through a few fundamental essentials every seller needs to consider while gearing up for the upcoming holiday sale.

Q1: What Sellers Should Do Before the Holiday Season Begins

Sellers must focus on fulfillment, selling, and marketing before the holiday rush hits the market.

Marketing: Start by setting your holiday budget and advertisement campaign in stone. The sooner you start, the better the optimization time. This not only helps build relevance and history in the marketplace but also ensures that your ads reach the right audience at the right time.

Selling: Ensure your products are available, and your product detail pages are optimally complete. Check titles, images, descriptions, and bullet points to see if they’re all current. Detail will increase your likelihood of success during the holiday.

Fulfillment: Ensure that your inventory is complete and ready to meet the rising demand. This will prevent stockouts and keep your customers satisfied.

Question 2: What Do You Mean by “Optimizing Product Content” for Product Listings?

Product content optimization means ensuring your product listings are as informative and attractive as possible because online shoppers wholly rely on information about a product.

Titles: Make impactful, clear titles that drag in the customer and represent your product’s key benefit.

Images: Include several high-quality pictures showing the product from different angles. This will help customers better understand what they are purchasing, just like in a real store.

Descriptions: Detail your product descriptions with the benefits of the product. This will give customers an idea of whether the product is what they are looking for.

Question 3: How can a seller ensure they stay in stock during the holiday season?

Failing in the holiday season due to stockouts can be disastrous; therefore, inventory management is critical.

Inventory Forecasting: Analyze the Q4 data from the previous year and the current year’s trends for inventory needs. Areas of importance will include last year’s largest-selling products and new product lines that are expected to gain popularity this year.

Order and Availability of Stock: Always keep a substantial stock supply for your most sought-after and prioritized merchandise. People will be looking for this kind of product, and you should have enough on hand to maximize sales.

Question 4: How Sellers Can Prevent Marketplace Suspension

Marketplace suspension can eat poorly into your sales and thus should be avoided at all costs.

Product Compliance: Regularly check whether your product complies with the market guidelines. This includes checking the best-before date and evaluating the condition of your stock.

Marketplace Guidelines: Ensure that the products you sell comply with all applicable requirements under the Amazon Prohibited and Safety Guidelines.

You can minimize the risk of suspension and maintain your account in good standing by keeping up with these tasks.

Question 5: Which Tips Can Help Enhance Delivery Capabilities and Ensuring the Right Product Arrival Time?

Timely delivery is a critical success factor during the holiday season. The following are some tips to help ensure products reach customers on time:

Shipment Planning: Know shipment deadlines and work toward them to ensure goods arrive on time and that service is delivered to your customers in a timely manner.

Customer Communication: Provide order tracking to inform customers about the status of their orders and, whenever possible, offer free shipping options.

Supplier Partnerships: Partner with domestic suppliers to reduce shipping lead times and increase delivery reliability.

Discounts and Offers: You can offer discounts and special deals to shop early, eliminating possible dangers in last-minute shipping problems.

Enhance the delivery capability further by aligning product delivery to business strategies and, above all, always staying agile. Focusing on these areas can simplify the complexities involved with the synchronization of multiple markets this holiday season.


While the holiday season is a gold mine, it also has pitfalls. So, if you take care of these key areas in terms of marketing, selling, fulfillment, inventory management, and delivery, you should be prepared to realize maximum sales opportunities in the marketplace. Leverage ChannelSale’s expertise in software solutions to further simplify your planning and execution on your way to great success.


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