Monthly Archives: March 2017

5 Acts Of Carelessness That Can Heavily Compromise Amazon Selling

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When you are selling in Amazon with the ambition to achieve uncompromised growth and profits, the only thing that can catch you in the wrong foot is ‘carelessness’. While it is true that no one can be 100% perfect all the time, there are certain acts of callousness that should be consciously avoided in order to make the process of Amazon selling more organized, smooth and gainful…

Using inorganic optimization methods –

Acts of inorganic optimization like keyword stuffing in titles, over pricing at the time of checkout etc is notoriously active among a number of over ambitious sellers. Inorganic optimization does result in steep sudden visibility, but it is also a cause for instant scrapping of listing when Amazon eventually finds out.

Not initiating end to end integration shopping carts with Amazon –

Many sellers in Amazon, mainly small to midsized sellers, still believe that end to end integration is a piece of fiction that costs a whole lot of money but bears no real result. These entities are usually the first to fight a dying battle with visibility and face eventual demise in the marketplace.

Taking reviews for granted –

While the core operational processes still maintain their place in Amazon selling; associated processes like review generation, that is directly linked with growth and reputation building should never be taken for granted. Buyers these days can base their search on reviews and ratings making this and essential factor when it comes to boosting visibility or even gaining a chance at the buy box. Not considering reviews with due importance can thus rob sellers of extended opportunities in terms of competition.

Saying no to tools and software solutions –

selling trends in Amazon is moving at futuristic speed which needs to be supported with the right tools and software solutions. Deciding to make a manual effort in this platform at this age of e commerce can be the biggest act of carelessness any seller can possibly adopt.

Be it integrated operation management like Magento Amazon feed management or inventory / order control across multiple channels of sale, appropriate software solutions that cater to improved automation and feature inclusion is critically important.

Offering same products at lower prices in other marketplaces of presence –

This is applicable mostly to sellers that are present across multiple marketplaces of sale. The ground rule is… Amazon sellers cannot offer the same products in other marketplaces at lower prices. This can get very difficult for sellers especially those that are present in, but the rule needs to be respected at all times. Using proper price management tools can help in this respect.

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5 eBay Amazon Softwares That Will Maintain Relevance In 2017

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Things are changing very fast in the world of ecommerce especially in top performing marketplaces like Amazon and eBay. The progressive shifts have played a role in initiating the necessity for a whole new class of support systems that can aid sellers to stay in tune with the pace of these super e commerce marketplaces. While it is true that the support systems are evolving by the passing days, it is also true that the superstructure of operational excellence will still rest on these 5 categories of solutions that are least likely to lose their relevance anytime in the near or far future…

Listing / feed management softwares –

eBay Amazon listing softwares from basic level options to advanced options are critically essential for businesses irrespective of their nature or volume. At present, there are tens of motivated ecommerce solution developers that have introduced diverse range of listing / feed management solutions for Amazon and eBay each of which sport features that are compatible with individual requirements of businesses.

Review management solutions –

Review generation in Amazon and eBay have gained phenomenal importance over the past two years. Buyers these days can in fact, make their search based on highest rating products. Using review and rating management solutions can help sellers generate better response for their products thereby gaining better visibility and traffic in their favor. This makes these tools indispensable for successful eBay Amazon ventures.

Inventory integration softwares –

Managing eBay Amazon inventory especially for midsized to large businesses is never a piece of cake. Therefore, inventory management softwares with real time advantages will never lose their relevance for these businesses. The softwares may remain in the back seat for hobby sellers in eBay and very small home based sellers in both marketplaces, but it is only a while before these inputs become primary requirements for gaining better ranking in these platforms.

Pricing / re pricing softwares –

Your visibility in Amazon and eBay still depends massively upon how you price your products and re price the same at frequent intervals to match competitive levels. Approaching this task manually can be overwhelming in many ways opening doors to errors and bottle necks. Using pricing and re pricing softwares though, can minimize or obliterate this difficulty successfully.

Fee calculating softwares –

Performing in eBay and Amazon often involves paying a number of different fees and marketplace charges that can often confuse sellers to an extent that they end up losing money than making it. Using fee calculation softwares is thus a welcome and automated relief that no seller should refrain from using whether in 2017 or beyond.

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4 Ways To Cut Costs In eBay Inventory Management

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Hundreds of eBay sellers have experienced some of their gloomiest days with mismanaged inventory costs that may have taken a small or irreparable toll on their total revenues earned at the end of the month. The ‘what just happened’ scene however, can be avoided, if sellers make a conscious effort to understand all the cracks and crevices from where profits can seep out and take active measures to remedy the same.

Here are 4 effective ways to cut costs in eBay inventory management that actually go a very long way in increasing ROI significantly…

Predict demand before over stocking warehouses –

Demand prediction, when it comes to stocking warehouses can be phenomenally important in saving extra expenses. Failure to predict demands has caused thousands of sellers to overstock warehouses with products that eventually became motionless in no time at all. The truth is if a certain product appears invaluable to buyers right now, certain shifts in the market can render them not-so-popular within weeks if not months.

So, for example, if you have already stocked your warehouse with the same product by thousands of units catering to 3 months of demand or more without taking into account the fact that they may not be as useful by the next 3 weeks, you may be in for paying a massive warehouse rent for units that fetch you no sale at all. Immobile inventory in eBay is one of the most dreaded causes of useless expense.

Use softwares for real time inventory movement updates –

This will save you from being stuck with immobile products that fetch no profits yet eat up warehouse space. Perfectly integrated inventory softwares allow sellers to stay in tune with real time movement of the units thereby updating the seller about immobile stock at the right time. Ecommerce solution developers that offer smart solutions like the Walmart API key Saving can be approached for the purpose.

Generate demands in locations of delivery before piling up stock in respective warehouses –

this basically goes out to sellers that are present in a range of different locations across the nation and beyond. It is always wise to generate demands through functional strategies in the concerned location before shipping thousands of units to the respective warehouses.

If you are using FBA, use FBA fee calculation softwares to determine expenses before making them –

eBay FBA is one of the best ways to complete orders with flair. However, if you are not aware about how the FBA fees work, you may be in for rude surprises at the end of the week or month. Using, FBA fee calculators can save a whole lot of expenses that eventually reflect in healthier revenues.

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5 Ground Rules For Lowering Amazon Inventory Cost

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Amazon sellers at large have expressed their dissatisfaction over the array of marketplace costs and expenses that have played a brutal role in minimizing their profit levels to scratch. Taking a closer look at the issue, it has been discovered that most of these unhappy sellers are relatively new and inexperienced and thus, are yet to learn the art of cost control in this platform.

Understanding the cracks and crevices from which profits tend to seep out is the first step to addressing the issue with success, with greater importance given to the rather imperceptible areas of drainage than otherwise. Mismanaged inventory is one such area that can cause massive drainage in profits making it imperative for sellers to get a hold of the same from the first day on.

Here are 5 ground rules of lowering Amazon inventory costs; tips that have helped thousands of sellers get a grip back on their profits…

Integrating with supply chain source –

Inventory management starts with the supply chain source and not the warehouses. Being in tune with the supply chain source can help sellers stock their warehouses wisely while preventing expensive mistakes like over stocking.

Learning the science of demand prediction –

Proper demand prediction is a strategic tool that can help sellers stock popular / not-so-popular products in volumes that are assured to move smoothly without causing stagnation or bottlenecks. Improper approach to demand prediction or dismissing the importance of the same can increase expenses in the direction of stocking products that are not bringing in any profits and vice versa.

Trimming inventory units in warehouses based on demand prediction –

Bulking up inventory stock in Amazon warehouses is never a good idea because you may end up paying a bloated warehouse rent and management cost. If you have established proper integration with your supply chain source and are good in predicting demands, streamlining your inventory in Amazon will not be a problem.

End to end integration –

This is the key to a balanced and harmonized approach to inventory management in Amazon. In fact, the importance of end to end integration is applicable for all ecommerce marketplaces whether you sell on Walmart marketplace or any other platform for that matter.

Associated factors like proper listing, usage of pricing tools and softwares solutions, profit calculation tools etc. also goes a very long way in helping sellers cut inventory costs while maximizing their profitability by significant extents.

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4 Steps To Maintain Walmart Amazon Selling Harmony Perfectly

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Rating: 2.0/5 (1 vote cast) and Amazon are serious competitors and neither of the platforms is in the mood to relax their strategies towards the other. At this very moment, is in the process of inviting top sellers of Amazon to perform to perform under their wing; with something like ‘Will knock you out with your own weapon’ attitude. While sellers have a whole lot to gain from their presence in both of these speeding marketplaces, there could be certain lethal obstacles that can make them trip and fall disastrously. Maintaining Walmart Amazon selling harmony is thus very important at all times. Referring to these 4 steps can be very helpful in this respect.

Learn about the inevitable hurdles of Amazon Walmart selling at the onset

If you are an Amazon seller all set to start in, please read up about the hurdles you can face while performing simultaneously in these two marketplaces at the very onset. You need to be informed about everything that could go wrong so that you can take the right steps at the right time to prevent mishaps like loss of ranking, visibility or even warnings for suspension from both marketplaces.

Integration is the first step to harmonized selling endeavors in both marketplaces

You cannot succeed in Amazon Walmart selling without initiating proper integration of the two marketplaces. Walmart API integration as well as multichannel integration involving this marketplace has been made very easy with the platform partnering with some of the most reputable ecommerce solution developers of this decade. The process is affordable as well.

Using intelligent pricing tools and softwares is imperative

By now, all ecommerce sellers are aware about the price battles that are taking place between Walmart and Amazon. While has universally established the ‘lowest price policy’, Amazon would not want its sellers to sell their products at lower prices in other marketplaces. The consequences could involve immediate suspension from the marketplace.

Using intelligent automated pricing tools can help sellers stay in tune with the price changes taking place in the respective marketplaces and manage any irregularities at the right time.

It is ok to not introduce the entirety of Amazon product list to Walmart

Lastly, it is ok to not introduce the entirety of Amazon product list to Introducing popular and compatible products can help sellers gain more purchase motivated traffic while not having to battle it out with Amazon for every single item in the list. In simple words, it saves a lot of time and energy while not compromising on profits.

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3 Reasons Why Sellers Are Choosing Walmart Over eBay

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The journey of eBay from late 1998 till today has been phenomenal in the world of e commerce. With a few phases of crests and troughs in terms of competitive ranking, this marketplace has established itself as one of the best and probably unsurpassed auction based platforms in the world. However, over the past few years, with a handful of changes introduced rather abruptly in its algorithms, many sellers have been left fuming over their sudden loss of ranking and visibility, regaining which has taken a severe toll in their time, efforts profits.

The appearance of Walmart ecommerce marketplace though, has contributed in easing things for the latter, with enhanced scope to even-out their losses. In the Walmart eBay debate that inevitably took center stage among enthusiastic sellers for quite some time in mid 2016, 3 good reasons were pointed out that concluded the discussion in favor of the former…

Easy set up with neat selling practices –

Firstly, sellers found the process of setup in to be very easy and effective as compared with eBay. With readymade professional assistance made available by the platform itself, has played its part in helping sellers approach foolproof operational harmony from day one. Understanding the pulse of the marketplace and creating profitable sale strategy has also been easier in than in eBay.

Its ranking is improving by the day –

Walmart ecommerce marketplace may have made a late start in the direction of success, but its ranking is still improving by leaps every passing season. At present, ranks 4th among all top online shopping destinations in the USA. It is also all set to close in the gap with Amazon by the end of 2020. This is an opportunity that no seller can look away from.

Reaching buy box appears to be an achievable process –

The buy box requirements of has been more comprehensive than in any other ecommerce marketplace. eBay / Amazon seller central users, who may have been aiming for this window of opportunities for years, have managed to attain the goal in Walmart within a matter of weeks. In fact, many sellers have also admitted that they are enjoying greater visibility, traffic and conversions in than in Amazon or eBay.

Basically, approaching has been a very profitable decision for sellers that already inhabit over crowded marketplaces that are dense in competition and have minimal space and scope for sellers to make desired level of growth and profits.

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